The Daddy Issue
Published on

7. Two Fathers


Chris is a podcasting parent from Germany, you can listen to him on his own show Zwei Papas. Besides being a podcaster though, Chris is also a parent - he fathered his son with his husband via surrogacy - and what makes their arrangement even more special is Chris’ best friend is also the mother of their child.

While bordering The Netherlands the situation for queer parents in Germany is very different to that of those in The Netherlands. A strict 1991 embryo protection law for example forbids using more than three embryos per IVF cycle - and ALL embryos must be used, none can be destroyed or frozen. While adoption / fostering is possible, the process is slow and opaque - this frustrated Chris, leaving Low-Technical Surrogacy as one of the best and only options.

Luckily for them, Chris’ best friend wanted to help them achieve their dream of becoming parents.

Disclaimer: This podcast episode contains a discussion about mixing sperm in order to not know who the biological father of a surrogate child is. We would like to note that this practice is illegal in most countries and is not recommended. This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal or medical advice. We highly recommend that you consult with a legal expert regarding the laws and regulations surrounding genetic material and surrogacy.

